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  1. At what age do discus begin to spawn?? (1 replies)
  2. New breeding pair.Pigeon and Blue Snakeskin (3 replies)
  3. 1st Time Free Swimming Fry (1 replies)
  4. is this a male or female with these new eggs? (2 replies)
  5. WTB: Juvenile Discus (0 replies)
  6. WTB: Juvenile Discus (0 replies)
  7. Week 3 (5 replies)
  8. finally got it right (2 replies)
  9. Do i have a breeding pair? (0 replies)
  10. my first breeding pair! (10 replies)
  11. my discus have there first lot of eggs! (5 replies)
  12. curilion white @ Turk (1 replies)
  13. 1 week into free swimmers (1 replies)
  14. Pair fighting for raising the fry. (0 replies)
  15. how do you no discus have paired up? (3 replies)
  16. Clown loach in a ram breeding tank (2 replies)
  17. Headshaking and mateing? (5 replies)
  18. What do you think about my plan? (5 replies)
  19. Help me please (13 replies)
  20. How old is too old (2 replies)
  21. Finally got them breeding (3 replies)
  22. I have a pair (13 replies)
  23. sexual maturity for discus (4 replies)
  24. Direction on what to try next (12 replies)
  25. New fry question (10 replies)
  26. money management tip (4 replies)
  27. Raising fry artificially (8 replies)
  28. The best way to get discus to pair up ? (6 replies)
  29. paging kyle isker (3 replies)
  30. Eruption pair fighting (2 replies)
  31. How often to feed fry (1 replies)
  32. Talk about quick! (3 replies)
  33. Grow out tank advice (1 replies)
  34. Discus parents eat their eggs (1 replies)
  35. Breeding pigeons (7 replies)
  36. How do you trigger a pair to breed? (13 replies)
  37. breeding (2 replies)
  38. Breeding ratio (1 replies)
  39. My Discus have spawned! (2 replies)
  40. Breeding Age? (4 replies)
  41. Parents not picking off white eggs? (2 replies)
  42. do i need to get rid of my 3rd discus when other 2 breeding (1 replies)
  43. Which pair would be more worthwhile to breed? (16 replies)
  44. first time breeding pair need advice about habits of eggcare (1 replies)
  45. Free swimming fry trouble ! (11 replies)
  46. Trickle filter system. Help please ? (1 replies)
  47. How to raise the baby from Albino Pair?? (6 replies)
  48. My first pair (1 replies)
  49. Water changes in fry tank (3 replies)
  50. Discus pair quit laying (2 replies)
  51. testing my patience (6 replies)
  52. Need help for my beautiful pair (14 replies)
  53. newbe (0 replies)
  54. parents with fry still breeding with their fry beside them? (5 replies)
  55. Breeding Diary with Pic's (31 replies)
  56. How long before discus start getting their coloring (1 replies)
  57. Breeding journal with pictures - the next batch (Spawn #2) (14 replies)
  58. Eruption LSS Pair's got wiggler.. (6 replies)
  59. Medicating Parents (2 replies)
  60. Proven Pair eating eggs after several successful breedings (4 replies)
  61. breeding pair? (1 replies)
  62. mixed pairs breeding (1 replies)
  63. Babies not feeding on parents after first day. (1 replies)
  64. Moving Parents (2 replies)
  65. sexing by fins? (12 replies)
  66. Breeding Tank Size (2 replies)
  67. discus sex (5 replies)
  68. Removing the mother? (6 replies)
  69. HELP!!!! (1 replies)
  70. Sexing discus (1 replies)
  71. iAGLSS spawn! (12 replies)
  72. Breeding journal with pictures (144 replies)
  73. Proud Parent (3 replies)
  74. 2 confused females spawning at the same time (3 replies)
  75. spawned now fighting (4 replies)
  76. what do people use to cover the eggs (1 replies)
  77. blue turquoise (M) X Green leopard snakeskin (F) (1 replies)
  78. Do I move him (1 replies)
  79. 2 Breeding questions ? (3 replies)
  80. what you think (1 replies)
  81. Resting time between eggs (1 replies)
  82. The unlikely pair! (with pics) (3 replies)
  83. fry on side (4 replies)
  84. regain the spark (3 replies)
  85. Dark corners (1 replies)
  86. I'm expecting (2 replies)
  87. discus fry (1 replies)
  88. Pimafix (1 replies)
  89. Gravel in a breeding tank and discus pairing up (5 replies)
  90. Discus has laid eggs.. now what !! (23 replies)
  91. Can we see newly laid eggs ? (1 replies)
  92. Discus Laying Eggs (1 replies)
  93. Tonight, we dine on caviar (4 replies)
  94. Macro photos of Discus Hatching (18 replies)
  95. Problem with Eggs (8 replies)
  96. babies (12 replies)
  97. Looking for some information (2 replies)
  98. Why has this happened (3 replies)
  99. Discus flirting!! (4 replies)
  100. Isn't it always the way! (2 replies)
  101. moving spawners to a breeding tank (1 replies)
  102. Feeding Discus Fry (2 replies)
  103. Breeding Ethics (1 replies)
  104. Moving eggs (7 replies)
  105. identification of pair of Discus. (2 replies)
  106. Breeding for resiliance? (16 replies)
  107. Discus pair ate the fry (14 replies)
  108. Whats the Discus doing??? (1 replies)
  109. filter in 2' tank (2 replies)
  110. how to stop parents eating eggs (3 replies)
  111. small white worms that are all over my breeding tank (11 replies)
  113. Discus dad getting irritated (5 replies)
  114. young breeders (3 replies)
  115. 2 males 2 females, trying to get them to pair (3 replies)
  116. Teaching discus to use their cone. (3 replies)
  117. New arrivals.. (15 replies)
  118. Quick question: frys (1 replies)
  119. Actually laying white eggs (11 replies)
  120. Breeding Stock. Where would i get some decent fish (0 replies)
  121. Fry question (7 replies)
  122. Discus hatching (10 replies)
  123. Breeding Pair (5 replies)
  124. leaving fry with parents (6 replies)
  125. Artifically rising Discus Fry with java moss (2 replies)
  126. prent wont stop eating eggs (2 replies)
  127. RO Water (1 replies)
  128. Ovipositor? (3 replies)
  129. Have you voted in the Photo Competition ??? (0 replies)
  130. First Breeding Pair (1 replies)
  131. They breed, They hatch, They die (6 replies)
  132. spawning again but doesnt look to good (20 replies)
  133. breeding with a fish tank divider? (6 replies)
  134. BREEDING DISCUS (6 replies)
  135. breeding without altering PH? (9 replies)
  136. BREEDING DISCUS (5 replies)
  137. 7 discus trying to spawn (3 replies)
  138. 3 week old fry dying (14 replies)
  139. had eggs , now have swimmers .... but next prob (5 replies)
  140. Breeder Tank Feeding (17 replies)
  141. sharing some pic of wigglers Pic Updated (4 replies)
  142. water cond. for breeding (1 replies)
  143. Wigglers and pair layed egg again (4 replies)
  144. Wrigglers (11 replies)
  145. Do discus only lay eggs wen they have paired off? (3 replies)
  146. when to intro discus fry to food (5 replies)
  147. discus eggs (13 replies)
  148. eating eggs??? (6 replies)
  149. White Sponge? (14 replies)
  150. ?????????Are my Discus BREEDING?????? (3 replies)
  151. meth blue versus UV (12 replies)
  152. What Breed? (4 replies)
  153. Artificial Prankton-Rotifer (4 replies)
  154. Pics of my latest batch of Snow Whites. (4 replies)
  155. How do you know when there about to BREED?? (2 replies)
  156. breeding ages? (2 replies)
  157. How lond until eggs hatch? (8 replies)
  158. Brown x GLSS (0 replies)
  159. Breeding music/video clip (7 replies)
  160. breeding at young age (6 replies)
  161. Shortest period between laying eggs (4 replies)
  162. breeding pair (4 replies)
  163. I've got eggs (0 replies)
  164. Can Parents not produce slime for their fry? (8 replies)
  165. omg babies everywhere * update pics * (4 replies)
  166. ??ARE*THEY*BREEDING?? (12 replies)
  167. Finally got swimmers -- NEXT PROBLEM!!! (8 replies)
  168. pair not feeding (2 replies)
  169. need help regarding a young pair of discus (2 replies)
  170. Male eating Eggs (6 replies)
  171. breeding albino discus (2 replies)
  172. how long between laying eggs (7 replies)
  173. Discus laid eggs (5 replies)
  174. Give me Breeding Beauties! (6 replies)
  175. SERIOUS problem....fifth time spawn........any idea??? (21 replies)
  176. Discus laid eggs. Now... (2 replies)
  177. Chance of In-Breeding? (4 replies)
  178. Stunted discus can still breed? (1 replies)
  179. Unexpected Discus Eggs (7 replies)
  180. spawning cone (8 replies)
  181. getting a pair from 3 fish?? (1 replies)
  182. Breeding Question (12 replies)
  183. hi all, breeding setup questions (1 replies)
  184. Few problem with breeding pair (6 replies)
  185. BABY DISCUS (4 replies)
  186. breeding wild browns (5 replies)
  187. breeding setup (3 replies)
  188. breeding basics (2 replies)
  189. I have Eggs!!! (16 replies)
  190. fry with parents....how long??? (4 replies)
  191. What a surprise- wrigglers in tank (5 replies)
  192. 1st time parent~ (3 replies)
  193. setup advice pls (5 replies)
  194. parent eat the egg....help please.... (4 replies)
  195. Breeding -- Pics of eggs and parents - your opinion? (11 replies)
  196. Help please.. No idea what to do with the egg.. (3 replies)
  197. pair fighting (1 replies)
  198. DISCUS FRY TANK (2 replies)
  199. Fry do not survive (14 replies)
  200. artificially raising discus fry (stubborn pigion pair!!!) (14 replies)
  201. pairing up (2 replies)
  202. lil orange eggs (6 replies)
  203. fungus egss (1 replies)
  204. DISCUS FRY (7 replies)
  205. AGED WATER (3 replies)
  206. Pairing and spawning (1 replies)
  207. biometric pressure (6 replies)
  208. tank divider (8 replies)
  209. DISCUS EGGS (1 replies)
  210. breeding tank (4 replies)
  211. BABY DISCUS (3 replies)
  212. discus water (4 replies)
  213. male or female?...pics included (5 replies)
  214. Proven breeding pair - not breeding (3 replies)
  215. feeding discus frys (2 replies)
  216. Fry to 6 days old but not many left :( (1 replies)
  217. alternative to BBS (12 replies)
  218. any breeders in western syd? (9 replies)
  219. Fighting (1 replies)
  220. can this be a discus breeding tank? (3 replies)
  221. dirty glass in a breeding tank. (6 replies)
  222. Discus Caviar - someone please help .... (2 replies)
  223. Pairs (3 replies)
  224. Female or Male? (3 replies)
  225. What are the babies going to look like ? (1 replies)
  226. colour (10 replies)
  227. Grrrr fish have been doing the wild thing !!! (2 replies)
  228. Question / s u have possibly been asked a million times (6 replies)
  229. Golden gene (2 replies)
  230. just a quick question (6 replies)
  231. Length of time of spawning? Are they spawning? (2 replies)
  232. inbreading discus? (20 replies)
  233. Breeding Photos (5 replies)
  234. Shivering & Shaking (9 replies)
  235. proven breeding pairs - MORE Q's added 15.9.07 (14 replies)
  236. Fry not feeding off parents (17 replies)
  237. Is this chequerboard male or female>? (2 replies)
  238. Discus & Angels (1 replies)
  239. HI and need help. (1 replies)
  240. re-pairing discus (2 replies)
  241. Breeding tanks (7 replies)
  242. parents eating fry (4 replies)
  243. Odd couple (1 replies)
  244. Help - what to do with new fry (2 replies)
  245. Best breeding ratio (9 replies)
  246. What a sight (6 replies)
  247. tank size (3 replies)
  248. what to do??? (3 replies)
  249. help with 4 day old free swimmers (5 replies)
  250. Mixed race (1 replies)